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(C) Cani-Bal

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Fright High is your average American High School set in a remote town surrounded by a thick pine forest. Hound Holde Hollow is far from luxurious or all too modern, and many of the teens and young adults living there are rather tired of how small everything is – hoping to move to one of the larger cities down south in the future.


Make sure to check out our pinterest with images that should help you visualize the area!


Home: About

Hound Holde Hollow

Hound Holde Hollow in itself has its charm. Yet most monsters passing through it mostly view it as a pit stop on their way to the bigger monster cities in America. However, it's a place favored by families and monsters seeking some peace and quiet. Due to this, most of the townees are very tight-knit and know of each other. Think of the town as a rather small and peaceful place

What's there to see in Hound Holde Hollow?

  • There's a movie theatre and arcade which is often visited by the younger folks. The arcade features plenty of retro games, but also a laser tag arena. Both the theatre and arcade are popular places for young folks to earn some money at alongside their studies.

  • Plenty of small, charming coffee shops and restaurants, as well as a diner that is popular amongst the townees. Many come here to feast on the large milkshakes and excellent fries!

  • A public pool that serves as an ice rink during the winter.

  • A train station and train tracks that connect the town to nearby areas.

  • A large lake famous for it's lake monster...

  • A luscious green forest of pine trees and creeks. Watch out for the were-beasts that head there on full moons.

  • A rather large mountain perfect for winter sports when snow covers its peak.

Fright High

Fright High is the only local school for teenagers and young adults, meaning everyone between the ages 16 and 25 in Hound Hollow attends it. Although it is called Fright High, view it as mostly just a school.


What does the school have to offer?

  • Plenty of clubs for extracurricular activities – all run by students!

  • A large gym and court for sports.

  • A media room and library for students to enjoy some silence whilst entertraining their brain.

  • Many classrooms including a laboratory for science classes, and an art room for painting, sculpting, and pottery.

  • A garden that is tended to by the botany club.

  • A band room for the musical students among us.

  • A swimming pool for the swimming club.

  • A rooftop that is accessible through the key hidden away in the library. It was stolen from a janitor back in 2014 and hasn't been retrieved by the staff ever since.

  • An auditorium where plays and other events take place in.

  • The nurse's office, of course...

  • And a cafeteria that keeps the students fed during lunch time.


Fright High's students get to pick between living with a guardian, on their own, or within the school's dormitory. Students can occupy a room on their own, or with up to two fellow students. In order to get your character's stay at the dorms official, you must register them in the Discord Server so the mods can mark them down in our database.


Characters can freely roam the dormitory when they aren’t at school and use the facilities to their own will. Students that don't live in the dorms may visit their friends as long as it isn't night rest, but are asked to leave before 9 PM. They may use any of the facilities provided by the dormitory, but aren't allowed to walk into any rooms unless they have the permission of the tenant.

The kitchen is free to use if students would like to cook or bake, but breakfast and dinner are served at 7 AM and 7 PM. It's not required to be present at these times seeing as some monsters don't eat, but you won't be able to get any warm meals afterwards. Students can use the laundry room to wash their clothes, and the fitness room to get in shape when not using the gym.

There’s a common room which the students can use to get together with fellow students. They are supplied with five PCs that are free to use, a printer, a small TV along with three DVDs that are the Air Bud movie, Scooby Doo, and an old copy of Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho. It also features an old N64 with the only game for it being Mario Kart. So, make yourself comfortable on one of the cozy couches!

The bathrooms have showers and toilets, as well as sinks with rather large mirrors. It’s a bit run down and many students have left their mark with sharpies, but it’s still in tact! Here’s where you will find the janitor most of the time. The bathroom is public and not separated by gender. There’s one on each floor.


Dorm Rules:

  • No one in the dorms during school time, unless they have contacted the secretariat about sickness.

  • No destroying of property. If done so intentionally, students are asked to repair or replace the broken object.

  • Students are asked to contact staff about things that have been broken or don't work anymore.

  • No visitors past 9 PM.

  • Please keep the night rest at 10 PM.

  • No one in the halls between 11 PM and 5 AM.

  • Don’t bring animals larger than a cat into the dorms. Pets such as fish and rodents are permitted, as long as they are being cared for and under control. No pets that could potentially hurt other students.

  • Clean up after yourself, no matter if in the kitchen, the fitness room, or bathrooms.

  • Don’t take things that don't belong to you.

  • No sneaking into others rooms past 10 PM.

  • Stay in your own rooms at night, no sneaking out to stay with others.

  • Rooms can hold one to three students.

  • Wash your own clothes.

  • Drugs and alcohol aren’t permitted.

  • Only smoke outside.

  • Treat staff and fellow students with respect.

Clubs and Teams

Here at Fright High, there are many different extra-curricular activities to be a part of! There are nearly endless possibilities, and you have the chance to find a group of people with similar interests, or even found and create your own club!


To join a club or team, you must be an already existing member of the group! Our club and team tryouts are found in the roleplay server, and you can sign your character up from there!


Some clubs are limited in member count, and require tryouts to become a member! To tryout for these clubs, you must roll for the stat associated with that club in the roleplay server!

For clubs that require two stat rolls, you must make it over a total of 30 points, and for clubs that require only one stat roll, you must make it over a total of 15 points. If you don't make it in on the first try, no worries, because you can always try again in 10 days!


All clubs with a ♦ by the name require a tryout!

Current Clubs and Teams

Football Team ♦

The football team is always open to new recruits! Team members can invite interested students to a tryout or advertise the team. Under the watchful eye of Coach Kent, your character will do a lot of practice and working out to represent the school in the best light possible!

Team Captain

Vespa McNamara



Athletics & Boldness





Max Members


Cheer Squad ♦

What’s a football team without a cheer squad backing them up? The cheer club practices together and comes up with new routines to help boost the team spirit during football games. The higher your character’s level, the more efficient their cheering will be! The cheer squad, along with the football team, has quite the high popularity level!

Team Captain

Calcifer Soleil​



Athletics & Charm





Max Members


Volleyball Team ♦

The volleyball club are always aiming for the top - after a year-long slump the team's finally been revived, and its members are raring to go! A blend of fun and competitiveness, students are welcome to try out to be added to the team's rotation. Members are encouraged to meet up outside of training sessions to strengthen team spirit! 

Team Captain

Laurent Lovelace



Athletics & Charm





Max Members


Baseball Team ♦

Along the football and volleyball team, the baseball team is one of the three sports teams that allow the students some extra activity aside from PE. With weekly practices, the baseball team is composed of down to earth athletes who like to play an occasional game of baseball together. 

Team Captain

Logan Graves



Athletics & Fun





Max Members


Soccer Team ♦

The soccer team allows students to play soccer competitively against other schools! The soccer team works hard to allow their members to perform to their best abilities, and works hard to keep their team spirit up! It's filled with quite a few high energy students who enjoy getting their energy out through a good game of soccer! 

Team Captain

Ingrid O'Shea​



Athletics & Fun





Max Members


Basketball Team ♦

Are you either tall or capable of jumping at a decent height? Basketball might be the game for you. Put your teamwork, and quick thinking to the test!  

Team Captain

Sun Bushida​



Athletics & Smarts





Max Members


Swim Team

While swimming is mostly seen as a competitive solo-sport, the members of the swim team work and train together for support! Some may compete on their own, or represent the school as a whole with the rest of the team. If you like to make a splash and feel like water is your element, why not check out this team? 

Team Captain

Moira King​



Athletics & Smarts



Swimming Pool


Max Members

Track Team

Do you like to run? Well here is the team for that! The track team is a group of athletes who compete with other schools in a multitude of different events, all track related. Sprints, miles, cross country, or even long jump! A rather low key group, it's a good way to get connected and still play a sport.

Team Captains

Francine Beck & Nicole Sparks



Athletics & Fun





Max Members

Mathletes ♦

Do you think in numbers too? Then this might be the club for you! The mathletes are a team of extraordinary smart folks that take part in competitions and solve mathematical riddles. It’s a bit more difficult to join this club, as you need to be invited by the math teacher to try out. However, you can ask members of the mathletes to recommend you and get her attention! 

Team Captain

Elspeth Salmond​








Max Members


Symphonic Band

Everyone may like music, but this club takes it to the max. The marching band of the school goes to football games along with the Football Team and Cheer Squad, and supports them through the power of music! Does your character play an instrument, or wants to learn one? Sign them up and have them discover a new talent now! 

Student in Charge

Dorado Rodriguez​






Band Room


Max Members

Student Journal

A club completely run by students. They work together to bring out a journal every single month, letting members know of new updates, students, and events! 

Student in Charge

Elena Crowne​



Smarts & Fun



Media Room


Max Members

Photography Club

While the main focus of the club is to photograph events for the Student Journal Club, the Photography club is for students who have a passion for the arts! Anyone who has an interest in the still art is welcome to join. 

Student in Charge

Hajime Yoshino​






Media Room


Max Members

Art Club

You don't just have a green thumb, but also a red and blue and yellow and... etc. one? In the art club, we combine all sorts of materials such as clay, paint, and crayons to create beautiful works of art! Join today and put your talent on display.

Student in Charge

Percival Skoropadsky​






Art Room


Max Members

Sewing Club

For those with a knack for a needle and thread, what better place is there than among yarn and cloth? From cozy knitted scarves to stunning costumes for the drama club's next performance - the sewing club offers a space for both newbies and veterans alike. Let the mannequins be the canvas for your next fashionable masterpiece!

Student in Charge

Deane du Mort​






Art Room


Max Members

Drama Club

Ah, the drama club! Popular amongst artsy teens that aspire to make it big in the performance industry. You will often take part in plays and school musicals, and work on your performance skills! Depending on how invested your character is in the club, they can take on better roles and become more popular amongst other students. 

Student in Charge

Leamhan King



Creativity & Charm





Max Members

Dungeons & Dragons

While you may hear all sorts of things from this club, these nerds are actually creative minds with a knack for improv, making them almost actors as they become one with their played character. The DND club is open to anyone, no matter their experience in dungeons and dragons, to give them an escape from reality in kingdoms of gold and adventures. 

Student in Charge

Seamus O'Shea​



Creativity & Smarts



Media Room


Max Members

Botany Club

This club focuses on the health and aesthetic look of the greenery on campus! Planting various types of plants such as flowers, trees, and vegetables, the club keeps Fright High looking great (and maybe bringing home some fruits and veggies too). 

Student in Charge

Bea Mitchell​








Max Members

Baking Club

Be it bread, cakes, or anything... experimental, the baking club is here to provide! Get your recipes out, 3... 2... 1... start whisking!

Student in Charge

Nyx Åkerman








Max Members

Nap Club

Have you ever gotten out of classes absolutely exhausted and in need of a nap? Well, these are your people! The nap club offers a safe place for you to take a quick little cat nap, without having to go back to your dorm!

Student in Charge

Galen Tucker​








Max Members

Book Club

Want a place where you can connect with others about classic, modern, and even your own literature? Well! Book club is the place to be for you, then!

Student in Charge

Yazmin Cheok​








Max Members

Fencing Club

Have you always wanted to be into sports, but felt none of them were elegant enough? Look no further! Fencing is club that focuses on a swordsmanship and quick reflexes. You'll have to be quick on your toes to keep up!

Student in Charge

Pearl Holland​



Athletics + Charm





Max Members

FrightHigh © the FrightHigh mod team

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