(C) Polaskia
The following information will guide you through the character creation process in order to help you avoid having to do all too big fixes when sending in your application!
choosing a monster
You are absolutely free to choose what kind of monster you’d like to create. Be it humanoid, animal-like, a classic monster or maybe even a made up one, you have a lot of freedom when it comes to making this decision. However, keep in mind that not every monster is suitable for high school life, for example a kaiju or loch ness monster. As long as your choice is reasonable, you’re good to go! If you aren’t sure whether a monster is valid or not, you are free to notify the mod team or ask in the server.
We highly encourage you to research a monster if it isn't one you hear about every day, like a vampire or werewolf. Some beings are sacred to some cultures, or have a deity status, and thus it might not be very fitting to base a "monster" off of it.
Examples of these are:
creatures of indigenous folklore
thunderbird, w/ndigo, sk/nwalker​
Out of ideas? Check out this list of legendary creatures or the random monster generator to help you gather some inspiration for your character.
Mixed Species
Mixed species are completely fine! It's perfectly normal for a character to have parents that are two different species. Your character could either take after one parent species wise, or be a mix of both! Your character can't be mixed with more than two monster species.
Species Locks
Due to the popularity of a few monsters, chances are some might get locked for a small period of time to encourage people to make other monsters!
If a species were to be locked, it will be announced in the server ahead of time.
what's the deal with humans?
Ever wondered why monsters don't live amongst humans? Well, this is simple! Humans have a distinguishly strong smell that alarms monsters from far away. This serves as a built in self defense, and allows monsters to avoid contact with humans. Thus, it is not possible for a monster to live amongst them, seeing as their smell would be too overbearing, and could possibly overwhelm them greatly.
...but how will vampires be able to feed on human blood?
Some monsters feed on humans – be it their flesh, blood, or dreams. When this is the case, these monsters often enter a state of craze that allows them to block out the human smell for a short period of time to grant them what they need! This way, it's also possible for humans to be turned into vampires, or werewolves.
Can my character be a human who turned into a monster?
Yes, absolutely! It's absolutely possible that they have gotten bitten, infected, etc.! But keep in mind that they will no longer be able to see their human family and friends. While they may keep in touch, the smell of the humans would keep them from visiting them seeing as former humans who have been turned into monsters won't be any less affected by it.
do's and don'ts
Here at FrightHigh, we encourage you to be as creative as you can be with your character and their physiology. However, there are a few things we have to limit our members from to make sure things won't get out of hand!
Hair dye is fine, as long as it’s stated in the character’s bio. We recommend a max. of two colors​
Don’t go overboard with colors. Simple character designs are less of a pain to draw again, and you will make it easier for your fellow members when they choose to draw your character.
No characters over 9 feet, or characters that are barely noticeable due to their short height. We are quite lenient with short heights if it makes sense species wise, but would advise to make characters taller than three feet for them to be able to participate in certain school activities. Please be aware of how a character’s height could influence their daily life!
The minimum age for a character is 16, and the maximum is 25.
While there isn’t really a dress code at school, you surely you know what’s tolerable and what isn’t at a public school. Characters must wear clothes. Normal everyday clothing is encouraged. You wouldn’t go to school in full on samurai armor either, right?
Refrain from heavily basing your monster off of characters from pop culture, or other people. Getting inspired by a character you've seen in TV but making their personality/design unique is a whole different thing! As long as they aren't a full on clone, your character should be fine.
You can not have the Medusa or the Dracula as your OC. Also refrain from making them related to famous monster personalities. No cousins of Frankenstein's Monster, sadly!
Be aware that some monsters commonly get called by their most well-known representative quite often – a good example of this is Medusa, whose name is often used to describe Gorgons in general.​
backstory and personality
Your backstory! Here, you will tell us about what your character’s life was like before attending Fright High. Where were they born? What was their childhood like? Did they attend any other schools before Fright High?
Whether you keep it simple with bullet points or extravagant with a detailed backstory, is up to you! We don’t mind either, as long as it’s easy to read. Your character’s backstory should make sense and seeing as your monster is still quite young and a student, it would make little sense if their backstory was already super long and overdramatic. You can also choose to blur out some events of their past that you’d like to reveal in-character later on, as long as you provide the mods with a link to their "locked" backstory.
In order to make your character feel balanced out, you should find as many negative as positive and neutral points. It’s good to write about how a character is perceived by others, what they’re like when you get to know them, and what how they behave in private. This shows a lot of depth and makes it easier to understand the character!
This also doesn’t have to be a wall of text either. As long as the personality traits you have chosen make sense and balance each other out, you’re good to go!
stats and abilities
Each character is equipped with a minimum of 16 points, and maximum of 18. These can freely be distributed between six categories, which each affect your character's performance in roleplay, as well as other situations.
Charm: How likable is your character? Do they usually get their way or do they have a nasty exterior to them?
Smarts: Can be both or either street- and booksmarts, but is generally their overall performance at school.
Boldness: How bold are your character's decisions and ideas? Would they go against the school's rules?
Creativity: Is your character an artist, actor, or singer? How creative are their mind and ideas?
Fun: What's your character like at parties? Are they outgoing? Or do they prefer to stay at home?
Athletics: How well do they do in P.E.? Are they closer to a trained athlete or a scrawny noodle?
If you're unhappy with how you've distributed these points between those categories, you will be able to change them only once by obtaining the stat rebuilder from the shop.
Based on their lineage, characters can have special skills. If your character happens to be a mixed monster, you can go with powers from any parent! These powers and flaws need to be based off of their species and can't be from their personality, meaning being hot-headed wouldn't be a flaw, unless the species is known to be rather aggressive.
Your character starts out with two powers, and one flaw. They will be able to obtain more later on by levelling up!
Powers: Powers are completely up to you to decide. Please don’t make your character overpowered or give them godly skills. These powers need to make sense in regard to their species. It wouldn't be in character for a merfolk to have fire powers, unless they are from a volcanic region for example. By using their powers, your character will suffer from after effects that affect them. This could be general exhaustion, or even pain. Make sure to include how the extended use of their powers affects them negatively!
Flaws: In order to balance it out, you are required to give your character one flaw per every two powers. A flaw is seen as something that challenges the character's daily life based on the kind of monster they are! For example, vampires are traditionally weak to sunlight, or werewolves are forcefully turned during full moons.
the application
Visual Application
Once you’re finished with your character, draw them on the group application that you can find here.
Their drawn application should feature a full body image of them with clear colors, along with a headshot or whatever doodle you’d like to put on their polaroid. Traditional art is allowed, as long as it has good quality and is easy to color-pick from! You are allowed to use comissioned art or art by others on the application, as long as you properly credit the artist. Bases aren't favored, and if you are struggling with drawing your character, let us know and we will find a solution together.
We'd be happy if you could submit your application to DeviantArt so we can add it to the group's gallery, however you're free to also link their visual in their written application if you do not have a DeviantArt account. Once you've completed your application, submit it in the chat called #application-submission in our Discord server for the mods to look over, and easily get back to you with their feedback!
Written Application
We have plenty of written application templates for you to use in our #resources chat in the Discord server!
Nevertheless, the following information should be included in their written application:
Name: Their full name and nicknames they might go by as.
Gender: The gender they identify as, as well as pronouns they go by.
Age: Their age! If their species ages differently than usual beings, please include both their species age and converted age. For example, they would be a century old, but are seen as a teenager amongst their kin.
Birthdate: The day they were born on.
Height and Weight: Their height and weight in either feet and lbs or centimeters and kg, or both!
Species: What species they are. If possible, write a quick explanation of their species!
Stats: The stats you chose for them.
Powers: Your two chosen powers for them, explained and with side and after effects..
Flaw: Your picked out flaw for them.
Personality: Their personality.
Backstory: Their backstory.
Extra: Anything else you would like to add!
You are free to write this information wherever you’d like. Be it sta.sh, google docs, or simply in the deviation’s description. You don’t have to overdo yourself to get a character in! It’s best to keep it simple and minimalistic to get us to read through the application faster. Please do not send in half-finished applications, for example send in their visual application while you're still working on the written part. Layouting afterwards is fine, but to make it easier for us, please make sure everything is finished and you don't have to add anything later on.